National Propaganda Radio

I listen to NPR when I’m cooking. Sometimes I just have to laugh. It’s not funny though. Their frequent scientific commentators ALWAYS matter-of-factly put everything in terms of evolution. Evolution. Millions and millions of years of ‘from the goo to you’. Anyway….

This morning, it was “Seven Soldiers from World War II are on their way home  today. They will be buried at Arlington Cemetery….” It was not “the bodies of seven soldiers”….  Unless you had heard that they were going to be buried, you could have easily thought they’d been hanging out in France since the war, and just got on a plane and flew to the States. I don’t think there is a term for it, but it’s like anthropomorphizing- except they are making an inanimate corpse alive again. This is soldier worship – subtle, but purposed nonetheless.

And in the same segment: “Four more New Orleans police officers have been charged in shooting unarmed men on a bridge in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina”… not people – men. Not citizens – men. Not men with names – just men.  Just 2 men. To be fair, the online article does refer to them as people. But doubtless the radio is the main forum for NPR, with a vastly greater audience. Yet you have to read a LONG way before you get to their names near the bottom of the full length article – that’s tantamount to a by-word, in my book. Four other citizens were wounded by these same police officers, by the way.  Nameless.  Shot by police, and not worthy of mention.  Actually, the people shot were an unarmed family.

Subtle? Yes. Insignificant? NO. This is conscientious mind control. Day in, day out, when events are characterized this way, the effect on the minds of the people cannot be underestimated.

One of the unarmed citizens killed by U.S. Police was only 17 years old. His name was James Brissette. The other unarmed citizen killed by the U.S. Police was Lance Madison, only 40, who had severe mental disabilities. He was shot in the back as he ran away on the west side of the bridge.

Published in: on July 14, 2010 at 8:15 am  Leave a Comment  
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