Fly Delta!

Delta seems to have a ‘not so hot’ reputation.  But today, I want to say – Fly Delta!    Click here for the story if you haven’t heard about it.

So at first blush – Captain America looks like he falls into all kinds of unpopular categories: bigot, intolerant, & racist… but I have a different take:

Now, let me say first – these two clerics may be the nicest guys in the world – certified U.S. citizens, tax payers, and even dog lovers, and maybe even cat lovers.  Maybe they have all of Cat Stevens’ albums, and know all the words to “Wild World”.  And they may have felt hurt, humiliated, and hard done-by.  I’ll give you all of that.  But there’s more to look at here.

I know already that there are currents which will press for discrimination lawsuits, or harassment, or other charges.  And they may do that, and perhaps be successful.

But let’s first consider the context.  You know, as someone who appreciates music and comedy – I can tell you – timing. is. everything.  So look at the timing: Osama bin Laden has JUST been reportedly killed after a decade of war in the name of catching him.  The media strongly suggests and the president has urged Americans to recall the way they felt right after the 9/11 attacks when Americans signed their rights and many civil liberties away w/ the Patriot Act, and were ready to bomb the hell out of anyone who they were told was guilty.  Further, immediately after the absurdly vindictive ‘celebration’ of OBL’s demise, there has been constant remarks and commentary in the media that Americans can ‘expect reprisals’ or ‘new attacks’ right here in this country.

Now, let’s consider the “culprit” here – the pilot.  The captain of the ship.  My understanding is, he is the captain – and as captain, what he says goes – even according to FAA rules (there may be more guidelines here, but this is the gist).  He gets to make judgment calls.  He’s allowed. This is his purview.  He has that authority.  And he is concerned with the safety of the passengers and his aircraft.  This pilot made a call that was in keeping with fulfilling these objectives, in his professional opinion.  End of story. Period.  Or at least if should be.  And in the context – it is perfectly understandable.  These imams were dressed in full Islamic regalia.  The ‘official story’ is that Islamists hijacked airplanes on 9/11.  We are at war in 3 Islamic countries.  We are AT WAR.  Here is a man who threw political correctness and ‘hurt feelings’ out the window in a judgment call, right or wrong.  This was his gut feeling.  And he went with it.  Like a chef who thinks something is ‘not quite done’ and put’s something back in the oven, or an angler who catches a fish and throws it back b/c it just looks a c-hair too young or small….  this pilot sent these imams back to security.  And went about his business – the business of providing a safe, comfortable flight to rest of the passengers.  (It is also interesting, btw – though these imams had passed through security – this act sends a strong message, that the pilot does not have complete confidence in the TSA, or the new invasive, abusive screening techniques.)

It sounds callous and hard hearted, but I don’t really care much about these imams feelings.  Seriously, I don’t.  Well, for clarity, lest you think I’m un-empathetic to some people, let me say it this way: I care about their feelings in direct proportion to the degree they cared about the rest of the passengers’ and flight crew’s feelings.  One of them, Mr. Rahman, said,”It’s racism and bias because of our religion and appearance and because of misinformation about our religion. If they understood Islam, they wouldn’t do this.’

Well, I’m here to tell you: it’s true most people don’t understand Islam.  But it’s also true, that apparently many Muslims don’t either.  Islam is a violent religion, proscribing in its ‘holy’ books to kill the Christian, to kill the Jew, and to kill the unbeliever.  There is a principal of interepretation called ‘abrogation’, which means that later texts supercede the earlier texts.  And in the Quran, the most violent passages, or calls to violence, are in the later texts.  So if you actually DO understand Islam – case closed.  Now, there ARE peaceful Muslims… but I’d liken them to luke-warm Christians, who don’t really understand the doctrines of the people they claim to belong to, and the book which they hold as holy and true.  They don’t really read it with understanding if they read it at all, and they don’t have any real principals of interpretation.   Just like a lot of Christians would renounce their Christianity if they truly knew and beleved what the bible teaches, it’s quite possible if some Muslims truly knew and believed what the Quran teaches, they’d renounce Islam.  The fact is, the true Muslim is a jihadist, fighting a ‘holy’ war, in which the goal is to take over the world for Allah, and the methodology is ‘convert or die’.  This is true whether 9/11 happened the way the ‘official story’ claims it did, or whether or not bin Laden had anything at all to do with it or not.  It’s just a fact, provable by the Quran itself.

There is an admonition in the bible: ‘If it is possible, as far as is in you, being in peace with all men.’ (Rom 12:18)  These imams were sporting their Muslim/Arab identity in an obvious way on an airplane, after all the passengers went through the grueling security, in place because of ‘terrorism’.  I don’t know if there is a similar admonition in the Quran, and I don’t believe there is – but if there is, they were in violation of their own tenets.  If there isn’t, this is a poor and inadequate belief system, and Allah and Muhammed his prophet are simply very rude dogs.  They were effectually provoking the other passengers in our American culture, and in the political climate we are in.  They in a sense invited mistrust. They were intolerant of the feelings of Americans who have en masse been thrust back in time to feelings and memories of 9/11 just this week.  So even if these imams are by and large regular people, since they decided flytime is halloween, and got into costumes that scare people – screw them, the dirty bastards.  If they looked funny, gave a sideways glance, or just plain didn’t feel right – they can take a bus.  Here’s your money back, and hit the road, jack (or, uh, muhammed). Meanwhile, I’d be proud to fly Delta and with this pilot in particular.  I don’t think these imams were really a threat to this flight – but I am glad Captain America had the brass to, in the context of everything, bounce the provacateurs.


The timing is curious – even wondering if this is a PR stunt by Delta, to capitalize on the anti-Islamic sentiment in lieu of the ‘victory’ of getting bin Laden.  They haven’t released the pilots name yet to my knowledge… so this could all be a stage show.

Published in: on May 8, 2011 at 3:40 pm  Leave a Comment  

National Propaganda Radio

I listen to NPR when I’m cooking. Sometimes I just have to laugh. It’s not funny though. Their frequent scientific commentators ALWAYS matter-of-factly put everything in terms of evolution. Evolution. Millions and millions of years of ‘from the goo to you’. Anyway….

This morning, it was “Seven Soldiers from World War II are on their way home  today. They will be buried at Arlington Cemetery….” It was not “the bodies of seven soldiers”….  Unless you had heard that they were going to be buried, you could have easily thought they’d been hanging out in France since the war, and just got on a plane and flew to the States. I don’t think there is a term for it, but it’s like anthropomorphizing- except they are making an inanimate corpse alive again. This is soldier worship – subtle, but purposed nonetheless.

And in the same segment: “Four more New Orleans police officers have been charged in shooting unarmed men on a bridge in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina”… not people – men. Not citizens – men. Not men with names – just men.  Just 2 men. To be fair, the online article does refer to them as people. But doubtless the radio is the main forum for NPR, with a vastly greater audience. Yet you have to read a LONG way before you get to their names near the bottom of the full length article – that’s tantamount to a by-word, in my book. Four other citizens were wounded by these same police officers, by the way.  Nameless.  Shot by police, and not worthy of mention.  Actually, the people shot were an unarmed family.

Subtle? Yes. Insignificant? NO. This is conscientious mind control. Day in, day out, when events are characterized this way, the effect on the minds of the people cannot be underestimated.

One of the unarmed citizens killed by U.S. Police was only 17 years old. His name was James Brissette. The other unarmed citizen killed by the U.S. Police was Lance Madison, only 40, who had severe mental disabilities. He was shot in the back as he ran away on the west side of the bridge.

Published in: on July 14, 2010 at 8:15 am  Leave a Comment  
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Day of Love for Santi Christ or, How Santa Knocks Off Jesus

Christians everywhere put Jesus in ancillary focus today.  Between yesterday and today, Santa shares (grabs?) the attention.   And most of the attention of children.  This is by design.   But what fellowship does light have with darkness?  Though many Christians moan about not taking Christ out of Christmas, they continue blindly to participate in all the same rituals as everyone else, without really knowing or discovering what they are all about. Believing that the icons and symbols and characters of Christmas are all harmless – and even good – they seem not to know the cunning of Satan.  Satan says “I will be like the Most High.”

Let’s take Santa:

Santa is effectually an object of worship.  Oh – but you know he isn’t God!  But do you teach your children he is like a god?  Do you see how, in this manner, the Lord’s commandment of having no gods before Him is broken?  Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments”.

Isn’t it curious that Santa is just a few switched letters from Satan?  Oh – but Santa just means Saint!  Really?  But do you know it is an occult practice to make anagrams of names (changing the letters of one word around to make another word) ?  An anagram is where the meaning of the anagram is considered opposite in some way to the subject: Saint (Santa) vs. Satan. Funeral vs. Real Fun.  See it yet?

So think about these things, pilgrims….

Still, many Christians will proclaim they remember the reason for the season, so it doesn’t matter…. but do they really know the reasons for this season? Who made this season to be celebrated the way that it is?  There are many reasons – many reasons beyond ‘the birth of Our Saviour’.  Very well thought out reasons, too.

For example, just check out how amazingly Santa becomes like God – do you think this is by accident, or ‘intelligent design’?

Just think about these things, pilgrims…

1. Has white hair like wool… Revelation 1:14 – Daniel 7:9

2. Beard-curly and white… Isaiah 50:6 – Rev. 1:14

3. Comes from the North… Ez. 1:4; Ex.26:35 Psa.48:2

4. Omniscient-knows about everyone… Revelation 19:6

5. Ageless, eternal… Rev. 1:8,21:6; Hebrews 13:8

6. Makes List of Judgments… Rev.20:12; 14:7; 21:27; 2 Cor.5:10

7. Checks list twice… Dan. 8:14; Matt. 10:26, 1 Cor.5:10

8. Gifts given on basis of a list… Matt.25:21; Rev. 21:27; 22:14

9. Christmas rewards once yearly… Leviticus 23:26-32

10. Confession of wrongs to Santa… I John 2:1, I Tim. 2:5

11. Promise to be better next year… John 14:15,21; 15:10; I Jn. 2:3

12. Asks children to obey parents… Eph. 6:1; Prov. 6:20; Col. 3:20

13. Hour of his coming a mystery… Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33; Matt.24:36

14. Rudolph’s shining nose to guide… Matt. 2:2,7,9-10; Numbers 24:17

15. Calls all children to his knee… Matt. 19:14, Luke 18:16

16. Be good for goodness sake… Matt. 19:17; Col 1:29; Phil. 2:13

17. Has a twinkle in his eye… Rev. 1:14, 2:18

18. Swift visit to whole world in 1 day… 2 Peter 3:8; Rev. 18:8, Isa. 47:9

19. Omnipresent-Found in every mall… Psa. 139:7-10; Eph. 4:6

20. Says “Ho,ho”… Zechariah 2:6

So if this is by design – then who designed it this way?  Very interesting question, isn’t it?  Some will adamantly tell you Santa Claus is really just about St. Nicholaus – but is Santa really only about a long-since-dead generous man – with attributes like this? That’s some jive talkin’, man!

Published in: on December 25, 2009 at 11:44 pm  Leave a Comment  

More Than You Can Handle

I always hear people state that God never gives them more than they can handle… and that’s just nonsense.  But it is consistent.  Consistent with a theology that God is monitoring every aspect of every circumstance in their life.  And that’s ok.  Yet this does not make the statement true.

[It’s another topic for another day, but I’m all for consistency in our theology,  and consistency is probably the hardest nut to crack.  It requires much study, which takes much time – and strong questions.  Without fail, careful study will reveal inconsistencies in religious or denominational thought, culture, and creeds;  however, the Word itself is true, and there are no inconsistencies ipso facto.]

I suppose the origin of this view and statement is mostly experiential, and widely popular because it’s a feel-good thought-stopper seemingly filled with faith that has tightly lodged itself in the collective vernacular of churchianity.

I suppose some might prove it by a verse like 1st Corinthians 10:13, “There’s been no temptation that’s taken you but that which as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able; but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

But it’s nonsense.  God doesn’t give you only what you can handle.  He gives us MORE than we can handle.  Way more.  He gives us more blessings in a single day than we have time to thank Him for.   And He gives us more mercies in a single day than we can handle.  Oh, we can receive them alright, and benefit from them – but are we not blind to the infinity of God’s moment by moment mercifulness? It’s just too much to handle!  If we were ‘handling’ God’s mercies respectfully,  sanctification would be a quick work!  Obedience would be our very ripe fruit indeed.  But let’s get to the real inspiration for the statement in question:  troubles.

If God gave you only the trouble you could handle, then why would He be an ever-present help in times of trouble?  He is, because we can’t handle our problems.  Because we need Him near.  We need him close like a kid on a bike for the first time – daddy’s gonna catch you when you fall – and we WILL fall.

If God gave you only the trouble you could handle, then why would He give wisdom liberally to ALL who ask – without criticism?  We wouldn’t need to ask God for wisdom if we could handle wisdom on our own.  We need His wisdom in times of trouble and problems, because answers and choices aren’t always clear, and are often beyond our capacity to understand what to do – especially when we desperately need to choose to do something.  It’s just madness and guesswork without God’s wisdom in our counsel.

If God gave you only the trouble you could handle, then why would He deliver his own out of so many troubles?  For deliverance from trouble is the signal cry of the poor man, the man destitute of all manner of his own capacity and strength.  And deliverance from trouble is the sure reward of those who seek their help from the Lord.

In this world, we are told, we WILL have trouble.  And more often than not, it will be big trouble – trouble we can’t handle.  Troubles by which we might humbly have to accept the charity of others.  Troubles by which we must humble ourselves and pray.  Troubles by which we lean upon the Lord, and look to Him for our deliverance.  Troubles by which patience is worked in us, a patience we cannot work in ourselves.  Troubles in which the Lord himself must comfort us, and by which comfort we are in the same manner able to comfort others.

Oh – about that pesky little verse in Corinthians:  So WHO is faithful?  Who won’t let you be tempted beyond what you are able?  Who will make a way of escape?  During temptations, there is a whole lot more being handled here by God than we can handle.   But nevertheless – here it is.  The place where we could make a pretty good argument that God only gives us  what we can handle.  The thing is, I never hear people make this remark in the temptation dept. It’s always in the trouble dept. But temptation is the context of this verse.  No, it is easier to think we aren’t always able to handle temptations.

[And this causes me to wonder if this little theological powerhouse of a statement, “God never gives us more than we can handle”, wasn’t originated by some Jesuit priest.  Well, that’s another topic too.]

So along with so many other thought-stopping one liners, let’s stop the madness.  Quit saying “God only give us what we can handle.”  Cuz it ain’t true, and it ain’t right.  Actually, it is false doctrine, and that is serious business.  And by repetition, it is mind control.  If you have to say something – and we often do – say rather, “Well… God always give us more than we can handle”. If you get a quizzical look, you just might have woken someone up.  And you just might know how to handle it.

Published in: on December 15, 2009 at 4:39 am  Leave a Comment